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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Question Time!

Well hello again lovely bookworms it's been like month since I posted and I'm really sorry about that but I've been really busy and I haven't had time to read or post. Plus I think I'm in a blogging lull right now. I think all bloggers have had the moment at some point though their blogging history where they just want a break. Yeah that's me right now. Plus I mentioned I am super busy right now. My brothers wedding was last weekend so I had to help with that which took time plus I had school, plus I recently (well like a month ago, which I'm not sure you can count as recent any more) got into watching Korean Drama's which are fantastic (I'll probably write a post on them sometime). But for upcoming stuff I have finals in two weeks and I am trying really hard to study so I can do well and then it is summer break, Yay! I feel I have to climb Mount Everest before I'm allowed to have a vacation, but it will be worth it and I will make my summer awesome.

So I will get back to blogging maybe at the end of May or maybe in June but I'm going to just relax from blogging for a bit. Now while I'm doing that I want you to ask many any question and as many question as you want in the comments. This way I have something interesting to look forward to when I come back from my lull.

I hope you all understand and try not to miss me too much :)